This week’s Flavours of the Day

Ponedeljek  -  Grandma’s Gravy

Torek – Franjo’s Special Gizzards

Sreda – Worm Appetisers with Giblet Surprise

Četrtek – Old Bird with Heavy Hum

Petek – Miscellaneous Mixed Manures

Sobota Pijan Pišček (0400 hrs Hangover Cure)

Nedelja – Finely Ground Bones with Incense


Ptuj Weather            with Dan Glaser  

Tomorrow:  Sickly fecal fug around lunchtime, pungent haze deepening towards evening.  Vile stink clearing towards dawn, followed by periodic pongs.  

Stopinja?…ja, all day.  With the windows shut.  

Daily outbreaks of whiffs predicted for some time to come. 

Wind: brown, 0 km/hr